Results for 'William Ian Hazlett'

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  1.  7
    Martin Bucer: Opera Latina, Volume 5. Defensio Adversus Axioma Catholicum Id Est Criminationem R.P. Roberti Episcopi Abrincensis.William Ian Hazlett (ed.) - 1982 - Brill.
    With this tract repudiating an attack by the Parisian bishop-theologian, Robert Ceneau, Bucer reveals an increasing accommodation to both Catholic tradition and Lutheran eucharistic theology. Marking out consensus, he significantly anticipates the Wittenberg Concord and the religious Colloquies.
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  2. The role of rules : legal maxims in early-modern common law principle and practice.Ian Williams - 2016 - In Maksymilian Del Mar & Michael Lobban (eds.), Law in theory and history: new essays on a neglected dialogue. Portland, Oregon: Hart Publishing.
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    Faking It.William Ian Miller - 2003 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about the intrusive fear that we may not be what we appear to be, or worse, that we may be only what we appear to be and nothing more. It is concerned with the worry of being exposed as frauds in our profession, cads in our love lives, as less than virtuously motivated actors when we are being agreeable, charitable, or decent. Why do we so often mistrust the motives of our own deeds, thinking them fake, though (...)
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  4. Deep inner lives, individualism and people of honour.William Ian Miller - 1995 - History of Political Thought 16 (2):190-207.
  5.  43
    Gift, sale, payment, raid: case studies in the negotiation and classification of exchange in medieval Iceland.William Ian Miller - 1986 - Speculum 61 (1):18-50.
    Near the end of Eyrbyggja saga þórir asks Óspak and his men where they had gotten the goods they were carrying. Óspak said that they had gotten them at þambárdal. “How did you come by them?” said þórir. Óspak answered, “They were not given, they were not paid to me, nor were they sold either.” Óspak had earlier that evening raided the house of a farmer called Álf and made away with enough to burden four horses. And this was exactly (...)
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    Upward Contempt.William Ian Miller - 1995 - Political Theory 23 (3):476-499.
  7.  20
    Deceit in war and trade.William Ian Miller - 2009 - In Clancy W. Martin (ed.), The philosophy of deception. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Digital Storytelling in Early Childhood: Student Illustrations Shaping Social Interactions.William Ian O’Byrne, Ryan Stone & Mary White - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:384561.
    This study tests an instructional model designed to empower students in an early childhood classroom as emerging digital storytellers. Educators can use digital storytelling to support students’ learning by encouraging them to organize and express their ideas and knowledge in an individual and meaningful way while developing voice and facility in child-computer interactions. This work also helps develop traditional communication skills, fosters collaboration, and strengthens emergent literacy practices. Students may develop enhanced communications skills by learning to organize their ideas, ask (...)
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    Autography as Auto-Therapy: Psychic Pain and the Graphic Memoir. [REVIEW]Ian Williams - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (4):353-366.
    Over the last three decades, the graphic novel has developed both in sophistication and cultural importance, now being widely accepted as a unique form of literature (Versaci 2007 ). Autobiography has proved to be a successful genre within comics (the word is used in the plural to denote both the medium and the philosophy of the graphic form) and within this area a sub-genre, the memoir of the artist’s own disease or suffering, sometimes known as the graphic pathology, has arisen (...)
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    Left behind: American socialists, human rights, and Kosovo. [REVIEW]Ian Williams - 2000 - Human Rights Review 1 (2):136-146.
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  11. Righting the Wrongs of Past Interventions: A Review of the International Commission on Intervention after Iraq. [REVIEW]Ian Williams - unknown
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    Corrigendum: Digital Storytelling in Early Childhood: Student Illustrations Shaping Social Interactions.William Ian O'Byrne, Katherine Houser, Ryan Stone & Mary White - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Economists' statement on network neutrality policy.William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, Martin E. Cave, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Hahn, Thomas W. Hazlett, Paul L. Joskow, Alfred E. Kahn, John W. Mayo, Patrick A. Messerlin, Bruce M. Owen, Robert S. Pindyck, Vernon L. Smith, Scott Wallsten, Leonard Waverman, Lawrence J. White & Scott Savage - manuscript
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    Using Bibliometrics to Support the Facilitation of Cross-Disciplinary Communication.Christopher J. Williams, Michael O'Rourke, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Ian O'Loughlin & Stephen Crowley - 2013 - Journal of the American Society for Information Science 64 (9):1768-1779.
    Given the importance of cross-disciplinary research, facilitating CDR effectiveness is a priority for many institutions and funding agencies. There are a number of CDR types, however, and the effectiveness of facilitation efforts will require sensitivity to that diversity. This article presents a method characterizing a spectrum of CDR designed to inform facilitation efforts that relies on bibliometric techniques and citation data. We illustrate its use by the Toolbox Project, an ongoing effort to enhance cross-disciplinary communication in CDR teams through structured, (...)
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  15.  30
    From the Archives: William Richardson’s Questions for Martin Heidegger’s “Preface”.William J. Richardson, Richard Capobianco & Ian Alexander Moore - 2019 - Gatherings: The Heidegger Circle Annual 9:1-27.
    Martin Heidegger wrote one and only one preface for a scholarly work on his thinking, and it was for William J. Richardson’s study Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought, first published in 1963. Ever since, both Heidegger’s Preface and Richardson’s groundbreaking book have played an important role in Heidegger scholarship. Much has been discussed about these texts over the decades, but what has not been available to students and scholars up to this point is Richardson’s original comments and questions to (...)
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    Interventionist applied conversation analysis: Collaborative transcription and repair based learning in aviation.William A. Tuccio, David A. Esser, Gillian Driscoll, Ian R. McAndrew & MaryJo O. Smith - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (1):30-56.
    Pragmatic language competence plays a central role in how aviation flight crews perform crew resource management ; this competence significantly affects aviation safety. This paper contributes to existing literature on interventionist applications of conversation analysis by defining and evaluating a novel collaborative transcription and repair based learning method for aviation CRM learning. CTRBL was evaluated using a quantitative quasi-­experimental repeated-measure design with 42 novice, university pilots. Results support that CTRBL is an effective, low-resource CRM learning method that will benefit from (...)
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    Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human Development.Ian Hughes, Edmond Byrne, Markus Glatz-Schmallegger, Clodagh Harris, William Hynes, Kieran Keohane & Brian ÓGallachóir - forthcoming - Tandf: World Futures:1-24.
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  18. Evaluating Weaknesses of “Perceptual-Cognitive Training” and “Brain Training” Methods in Sport: An Ecological Dynamics Critique.Ian Renshaw, Keith Davids, Duarte Araújo, Ana Lucas, William M. Roberts, Daniel J. Newcombe & Benjamin Franks - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    The recent upsurge in “brain-training and perceptual-cognitive-training", proposing to improve isolated processes such as brain function, visual perception and decision-making, has created significant interest in elite sports practitioners, seeking to create an ‘edge’ for athletes. The claims of these related 'performance-enhancing industries' can be considered together as part of a process training approach proposing enhanced cognitive and perceptual skills and brain capacity, to support performance in everyday life activities, including sport. For example, the 'process-training industry' promotes the idea that playing (...)
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  19.  29
    Low utilization and wide interhospital variation in investigation of patients after acute myocardial infarction: inadequate resources or insufficient evidence?R. Ian Williams, Alan G. Fraser & Robert R. West - 2005 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 11 (4):388-396.
  20.  52
    Modeling the Maturation of Grip Selection Planning and Action Representation: Insights from Typical and Atypical Motor Development.Ian Fuelscher, Jacqueline Williams, Kate Wilmut, Peter G. Enticott & Christian Hyde - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The Folkloral Voice.Ian William Sewall - 1998 - Left Coast Press.
    A narrative collage of ancient and contemporary storytelling, modern theory, and personal reflection. This title examines the nature of oral culture, its embodied nature, its connection to place, and its use of metaphor, laughter, ethnicity, and intergenerational conversation to create unique kinds of interactions and learning.
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    Schürmann and the Tragedy of Languages.Vincent Blanchet, William Cox & Ian Alexander Moore - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (4):833-843.
    This article examines Schürmann’s oeuvre in light of his reflections on language. Schürmann’s meditations raise the question whether language is capable of truly expressing the ultimate conditions of human experience. This article argues that, after hegemonies have been broken, or rather are seen to have always been broken from within, one can continue to speak, but only on condition that tragic irony doubles every natal general word with a mortal singular shadow.
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    Gender Differences in the Perceptions of Genuine and Simulated Laughter and Amused Facial Expressions.Gary McKeown, Ian Sneddon & William Curran - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):30-38.
    This article addresses gender differences in laughter and smiling from an evolutionary perspective. Laughter and smiling can be responses to successful display behavior or signals of affiliation amongst conversational partners—differing social and evolutionary agendas mean there are different motivations when interpreting these signals. Two experiments assess perceptions of genuine and simulated male and female laughter and amusement social signals. Results show male simulation can always be distinguished. Female simulation is more complicated as males seem to distinguish cues of simulation yet (...)
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  24. The Brontes: A Collection of Critical EssaysThe Poetry of GraceOpium and the Romantic ImaginationPasternak's Lyrics: A Study of Sound and Imagery.M. Rieser, Ian Gregor, William H. Halewood, Alethea Hayter & Dale L. Plank - 1971 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (4):567.
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    The control of skilled behavior: Learning, intelligence, and distraction.John Duncan, Phyllis Williams, Ian Nimmo-Smith & Ivan Brown - 1993 - In David E. Meyer & Sylvan Kornblum (eds.), Attention and Performance XIV: Synergies in Experimental Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press.
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    Reiner Schürmann.Françoise Dastur, William Cox & Ian Alexander Moore - 2024 - Philosophy Today 68 (4):827-832.
    Translators’ abstract: This article considers the concept of originary dissension in Reiner Schürmann’s. The ultimate conditions of experience are natality and mortality, which universalize and singularize respectively. These conditions are in originary dissension with one another in the sense that they cannot be resolved into a unified whole. But natality institutes the universal precisely by denying the mortal singular. Recognizing and sustaining the originary dissension therefore requires prioritizing mortality over natality.
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    Neural Response to Low Energy and High Energy Foods in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: A Functional MRI Study.Brooke Donnelly, Nasim Foroughi, Mark Williams, Stephen Touyz, Sloane Madden, Michael Kohn, Simon Clark, Perminder Sachdev, Anthony Peduto, Ian Caterson, Janice Russell & Phillipa Hay - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveBulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder are eating disorders characterized by recurrent binge eating episodes. Overlap exists between ED diagnostic groups, with BE episodes presenting one clinical feature that occurs transdiagnostically. Neuroimaging of the responses of those with BN and BED to disorder-specific stimuli, such as food, is not extensively investigated. Furthermore, to our knowledge, there have been no previous published studies examining the neural response of individuals currently experiencing binge eating, to low energy foods. Our objective was to examine (...)
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  28.  24
    William of Ockham.Ian Smith - 2006 - Philosophy Now 56:10-11.
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    The adventures of William Godwin.Ian Harris - 1995 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 3 (2):421 – 440.
    Works of William Godwin: Series II, Political and Philosophical Writings. General editor: Mark Philp. Volume editors: Pamela Clemit, Martin Fitzpatrick, Mark Philp. Researcher: Austin Gee. Consulting editor: William St Clair. Seven volumes. William Pickering. London, 1993. £395. ISBN: 1?85196?026?0 set.
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    Édipo Sobredeterminado: Mamãe, Papai e Eu enquanto máquinas-desejantes.Jerry Aline Flieger, Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos, William de Siqueira Piauí & Lauro Iane de Morais - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):241-266.
    Trata-se do capítulo “Overdetermined Oedipus: Mommy, Daddy, and Me as Desiring-Machine” in: BUCHANAN, Ian. (Org). A Deleuzian Century?. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. (N.T.).
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    Achievable benchmarks of care: the ABC TM s of benchmarking.Norman W. Weissman, Jeroan J. Allison, Catarina I. Kiefe, Robert M. Farmer, Michael T. Weaver, O. Dale Williams, Ian G. Child, Judy H. Pemberton, Kathleen C. Brown & C. Suzanne Baker - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (3):269-281.
  32.  4
    Differing needs for Advance Care Planning in the Veterans Health Administration: use of latent class analysis to identify subgroups to enhance Advance Care Planning via Group Visits for veterans.Monica M. Matthieu, Songthip T. Ounpraseuth, J. Silas Williams, Bo Hu, David A. Adkins, Ciara M. Oliver, Laura D. Taylor, Jane Ann McCullough, Mary J. Mallory, Ian D. Smith, Jack H. Suarez & Kimberly K. Garner - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-12.
    Background Advance Care Planning via Group Visits (ACP-GV) is a patient-centered intervention facilitated by a clinician using a group modality to promote healthcare decision-making among veterans. Participants in the group document a “Next Step” to use in planning for their future care needs. The next step may include documentation of preferences in an advance directive, discussing plans with family, or anything else to fulfill their ACP needs. This evaluation seeks to determine whether there are identifiable subgroups of group participants with (...)
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Freeman Boyd, Ian Howard, William Aiken, Charlotte Lott & R. R. Hacker - 1994 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 7 (2):237-246.
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    Was Sir William Crookes epistemically virtuous?Ian James Kidd - 2014 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 48:67-74.
    The aim of this paper is to use Sir William Crookes‘ researches into psychical phenomena as a sustained case study of the role of epistemic virtues within scientific enquiry. Despite growing interest in virtues in science, there are few integrated historical and philosophical studies, and even fewer studies focusing on controversial or ‗fringe‘ sciences where, one might suppose, certain epistemic virtues (like open-mindedness and tolerance) may be subjected to sterner tests. Using the virtue of epistemic courage as my focus, (...)
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    Editorial: Novel Approaches for Studying Creativity in Problem-Solving and Artistic Performance.Philip A. Fine, Amory H. Danek, Kathryn J. Friedlander, Ian Hocking & William Forde Thompson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ian Watt: The Novel and the Wartime Critic by Marina MacKay.William M. Chace - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (2):355-356.
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    Evil Intuitions? The Problem of Evil, Experimental Philosophy, and the need for Psychological Research.Ian M. Church, Rebecca Carlson & Justin Barrett - 2021 - Journal of Psychology and Theology 49 (2):126-141.
    The primary aim of this paper is to highlight, at least in short, how the resources of experimental philosophy could be fruitfully applied to the evidential problem of evil. To do this, we will consider two of the most influential and archetypal formulations of the problem: William L. Rowe’s article, “The Problem of Evil and Some Varieties of Atheism” (1979). and Paul Draper’s article, “Pain and Pleasure: An Evidential Problem for Theists” (1989). We will consider the relevance of experimental (...)
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    Informed consent practices for surgical care at university teaching hospitals: a case in a low resource setting.Joseph Ochieng, Charles Ibingira, William Buwembo, Ian Munabi, Haruna Kiryowa, David Kitara, Paul Bukuluki, Gabriel Nzarubara & Erisa Mwaka - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):40.
    Informed consent in medical practice is essential and a global standard that should be sought at all the times doctors interact with patients. Its intensity would vary depending on the invasiveness and risks associated with the anticipated treatment. To our knowledge there has not been any systematic review of consent practices to document best practices and identify areas that need improvement in our setting. The objective of the study was to evaluate the informed consent practices of surgeons at University teaching (...)
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  39.  25
    William Frédéric Edwards and the study of human races in France, from the Restoration to the July Monarchy.Ian B. Stewart - 2020 - History of Science 58 (3):275-300.
    Scholars of the nineteenth-century race sciences have tended to identify the period from c.1820– c.1850 as a phase of transition from philologically to physically focused study. In France, the physiologist William Frédéric Edwards (1776–1842) is normally placed near the center of this transformation. A reconsideration of Edwards’ oeuvre in the context of his larger biography shows that it is impossible to see a clear-cut philological to physical “paradigm shift.” Although he has been remembered almost solely for his principle of (...)
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    John Toland’s Letters to Serena ed. by Ian Leask.William Uzgalis - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (3):506-506.
    Ian Leask’s new edition of John Toland’s Letters to Serena, last published in 1704, has all the marks of a fine new edition of an early eighteenth-century book—it has an index, timeline, all of Toland’s notes, along with editor’s notes explaining many of the obscure names to be found in the letters; and it has a first-rate introduction in which Leask nicely explains the letters and what he takes Toland to be doing. John Toland’s intentions and influences are a matter (...)
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  41. Book reviews. [REVIEW]Werner Menski, Carl Olson, William Cenkner, Anne E. Monius, Sarah Hodges, Jeffrey J. Kripal, Carol Salomon, Deepak Sarma, William Cenkner, John E. Cort, Peter A. Huff, Joseph A. Bracken, Larry D. Shinn, Jonathan S. Walters, Ellison Banks Findly, John Grimes, Loriliai Biernacki, David L. Gosling, Thomas Forsthoefel, Michael H. Fisher, Ian Barrow, Srimati Basu, Natalie Gummer, Pradip Bhattacharya, John Grimes, Heather T. Frazer, Elaine Craddock, Andrea Pinkney, Joseph Schaller, Michael W. Myers, Lise F. Vail, Wayne Howard, Bradley B. Burroughs, Shalva Weil, Joseph A. Bracken, Christopher W. Gowans, Dan Cozort, Katherine Janiec Jones, Carl Olson, M. D. McLean, A. Whitney Sanford, Sarah Lamb, Eliza F. Kent, Ashley Dawson, Amir Hussain, John Powers, Jennifer B. Saunders & Ramdas Lamb - 2005 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 9 (1-3):153-228.
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  42.  75
    Ian cook, reading mill: Studies in political theory, houndmills, basingstoke, Macmillan, 1998, pp. XIV+194.William Stafford - 2005 - Utilitas 17 (1):122-123.
  43.  37
    Directed Motor-Auditory EEG Connectivity Is Modulated by Music Tempo.Nicoletta Nicolaou, Asad Malik, Ian Daly, James Weaver, Faustina Hwang, Alexis Kirke, Etienne B. Roesch, Duncan Williams, Eduardo R. Miranda & Slawomir J. Nasuto - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  44.  34
    Organizing for Science in Britain. Ian Varcoe.William Mcgucken - 1976 - Isis 67 (1):148-149.
  45.  68
    R. T. Williams: The Silver Coinage of Velia. Pp. xi+152; 47 plates, 1 map. London: Royal Numismatic Society, 1992. Cased, £50 . - D. MacDonald: The Coinage of Aphrodisias. Pp. xi+169; 32 plates. London: Royal Numismatic Society, 1992. Cased, £40. [REVIEW]Ian Carradice - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (2):417-417.
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    Thinking About Animals in Thirteenth-Century Paris: Theologians on the Boundary Between Humans and Animals.Ian P. Wei - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Exploring what theologians at the University of Paris in the thirteenth century understood about the boundary between humans and animals, this book demonstrates the great variety of ways in which they held similarity and difference in productive tension. Analysing key theological works, Ian P. Wei presents extended close readings of William of Auvergne, the Summa Halensis, Bonaventure, Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas. These scholars found it useful to consider animals and humans together, especially with regard to animal knowledge (...)
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  47. Experimenting with Islam: Nietzschean reflections on Bowles's araplaina.Ian Almond - 2004 - Philosophy and Literature 28 (2):309-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Experimenting with Islam:Nietzschean Reflections on Bowles’s AraplainaIan AlmondIn a letter to his friend Köselitz dated March 13 1881, Nietzsche wrote: "Ask my old comrade Gersdorff whether he'd like to go with me to Tunisia for one or two years.... I want to live for a while amongst Muslims, in the places moreover where their faith is at its most devout; this way my eye and judgement for all things (...)
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    Baptists, Fifth Monarchists, and the Reign of King Jesus.Ian Birch - 2018 - Perichoresis 16 (4):19-34.
    This article outlines the rise of the Fifth Monarchists, a religiously inspired and politically motivated movement which came to prominence in the 1650s and believed the execution of Charles I cleared the way for King Jesus to return and reign with the saints from the throne of England. The imminent establishment of the Kingdom of Christ on earth was of great interest to Baptists, some of whom were initially drawn to the Fifth Monarchy cause because Fifth Monarchy theology provided a (...)
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    Religious cognition as interpreted experience: An examination of Ian Barbour's comparison of the epistemic structures of science and religion.William A. Rottschaefer - 1985 - Zygon 20 (3):265-282.
    . Using as a model contemporary analyses of scientific cognition, Ian Harbour has claimed that religious cognition is neither immediate nor inferential but has the structure of interpreted experience. Although I contend that Barbour has failed to establish his claim, I believe his views about the similarities between scientific and religious cognition are well founded. Thus on that basis I offer an alternative proposal that theistic religious cognition is essentially inferential and that religious experience is in fact the use of (...)
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    Introduction to “Neo-Aristotelianism: On the Medieval Renaissance and William of Ockham”.Ian Alexander Moore - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (2):315-316.
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